Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 5

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Dance Cardio - 40 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 1 - 30 reps

1 c. coffee w/ 2 tsp. sugar (30c)
1/2 c. blueberries, 1/2 c. blackerries & juice of 1 orange (134c)

TJ's Butter Chicken w/ Basmati Rice dinner (405c)

4 Romaine lettuce leaves w/ 1 Tbsp. Caesar Salad dressing (55c)
Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Pizza Primavera (250c)

3 chocolate-flavoured Graham crackers (130c)


Day 5 and I'm hungrier than usual.  Even my small snack didn't help and I went to bed hungry:( Only my tiredness saved me from noshing on another snack.  Needless to say, I eat everything on my plate now. One thing about the Book DVD, such a pain in the butt to be constantly pausing or rewinding, it is very distracting to still be exercising on one exercise and Tracy has moved on to the next, I feel rushed at this point.  I'm thinking about ditching it altogether but I still need it to make sure I'm in correct form.  Is there such a thing as a voice-controlled DVD player?  It would really help. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 4

Tracy Anderson Method Dance-Cardio Workout - 40 min. 
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Muscle Design Sequence 1 - 30 reps

1 c. coffee w/ 2 tsp. sugar (30c)
1/c. blueberries + 1 kiwi + 1 orange (167c)

6 TJ's seafood crab cakes (180c)
1-1/2 c. arugula + 1/4 a Fuji apple + 3 cherry tomatoes w/ a squeeze of lemon

TJ's Chicken Tikka Masala w/ Cumin Flavored Basmati Rice (300c)
10 sugar snap peas + cucumber slices + 3 cherry tomatoes (30c)

1/2 c. frozen grapes (52c)
1 oz. Lay's Wavy potato chips (150c)


Day 4 and still at it...every added 5 reps is killing me.  I did the more challenging Dance Cardio Workout today just because I felt a bit more energized.  My new Dance Cardio Workout II DVD finally arrived today and I merely watched it for now...she's fun to watch...I marvel at how easy she makes it all look, she barely broke a sweat.  It seems tougher than her previous DVD but
the music is great.  Can't wait to learn the new one although I don't know where I can find the energy! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 3

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Dance Cardio - 40 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 1 - 25 reps.

1 c. coffee w/ 2 tsp. sugar (30c)
1/2 c. blueberries + 1 kiwi + 1 orange fruit salad (167c)

6 TJ's seafood crab cakes (180c)
2 c. arugula + 1/4 c. Fuji apple w/ a squeeze of lemon (44c)

TJ's Reduced Guilt Baked Ziti w/ Mozzarella & Grana Cheese (320c)
3/4 c. arugula w/ a squeeze of lemon (5c)

0.4 oz. TJ's Roasted Seaweed Snack (60c)
11 pcs. TJ's wine crackers (130c)
10 cherries (50c)


Day 3 and I think I'm getting the hang of it.  Got my workout schedule and diet sorted out somewhat, I feel sore all over but it's not that bad.  But everyday, it is still a challenge to not give in to temptation...I want that body!

30-Day Method Dance Cardio vs Dance Cardio Workout DVD
The 30-Day Method Dance Cardio is way less challenging than the Dance Cardio Workout DVD and not as fun, too.  

30-Day Muscle Design Sequence 1 vs Mat Workout
The leg/butt portion of the MD Sequence 1 I found harder than the Mat Workout.  Perhaps, it's because I hate being on all fours exercising...hurts the knees.  The arm workout though, Mat Workout is tougher.  Abs, eh...about the same.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Dance Cardio - 20 minutes
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 1 - 25 reps

1 c. coffee w/ 2 tsp. sugar (30c)
1/2 c. blueberries + 1/2c. blackberries + 1 orange (143c)

1/3 c. bean thread noodles w/ chicken & ham(160c) 
3 cherries (15c)

10 sugar snap peas (15c)
1 multi-grain cracker w/ gorgonzola-cranberry torta (70c)
1/2 a small turkey meatball w/ a dab of tomato sauce (25c)

Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt filet of sole w/ rich butter beans & seasoned fresh spinach leaves (190c)
7 multi-grain crackers (75c)


1/2 a Fuji apple (55c)
3/4 oz. cheddar cheese (90c)
7 multi-grain crackers (75c)


Day 2 was a little better.  I did the muscle design first, had dinner, watched some TV and did the cardio.  I only did 20 min. just because it was a bit late into the night and I got a little worried I might feel sick again.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1

Tracy Anderson Method Dance Cardio Workout - 40 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 1:  20 reps

1 c. coffee w/ 2 tsp. sugar (30c)
1/2 c. blueberries+1/2 c. blackberries w/ orange juice (134c)

1 baked sweet potato (162c)

Chocolate Blueberry Pudding(530c)

1 Fuji apple (74c)
1 oz. Cheddar cheese (120c)


Day 1 started out horribly.  First off, I worked out in the morning instead of my usual late afternoon (just to get it over and done with) and secondly, I did the cardio before the muscle design...big mistake on my part.  I struggled through the 20 reps and could barely function the rest of the day.  I felt sick and quite hungry the rest of the day but I was too tired to do anything about it.  I'm a bit thrown off by the calories on the Chocolate Blueberry Pudding recipe on her book...I calculated the calories for a 1/2 c. of semi-sweet chocolate chips and it's about 445 calories...yeow!  I wish the recipes included nutritional information, especially calories, since most TAM followers, I'm sure, are trying to lose some weight and keeping track of your caloric intake is a big factor.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. 

Body Stats & "Before" Shots

Here's my 45-year old, 115 lb.- "BEFORE TAM" body shot. 

I know 115 lbs. doesn't seem like much but for a petite-framed gal like me, it shows...the muffin top, the flabby arms, the back fat, to name a few. Ugh!

No regrets though! I thoroughly enjoyed every excess calorie I consumed and every moment I spent not exercising to get to this point.

Age:  45
Height:  5'0-1/2"
Current Weight: 115 lbs.

Right Thigh:  21"
Left Thigh:  21"
Hips:  35"
Lower Abs:  33.5"
Waist:  30"
Upper Abs: 29.5"
Right Hip Pocket:  23"
Left Hip Pocket:  23"
Vertical Butt Length:  8"
Cheek Width:  9.5"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello 2011 & Hello Tracy!

Tomorrow, I will be attempting my first ever diet & exercise program.  This is highly experimental since I've never actually been on a diet AND exercise program before.  I'm not quite sure what I'm in for except that I know it will be tough, I will be hungry and sloth will loom over me like a dark, pudgy shadow. 
So, here's my goal and my methods to achieve it.

The Goal: 
Have a Tracy Anderson body (hey, a gal can dream!)
Lose 15 lbs.

The Exercise Program: 
Tracy Anderson Method

The Diet: 
Portion Control~not to exceed 1,200 calories per day aka obsessive calorie counting!

Photo courtesy of
The reason I chose the Tracy Anderson Method among all others was, for starters, she's as tall as I am, we're both built petite, plus, just check out that amazing body of hers...'nuff said. 
I also like that she tells it like it is.  You want this body? You gotta work really hard for it (5-6x a week for 1-1/2 hrs. a day) and this is how! If you do what she says, your teeny, tiny perfect body is achievable in the confines of your own home.  How about that!

I will be doing the Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method at first, but will be tweaking the diet by doing Zone recipes or doing my darn best to try not to exceed 1,200 calories per day.  The idea is, get a kick-start to get to my ideal physique (or close) as fast as I possibly can (30 days) before I get discouraged by the slow pace of change and/or before the disenchantment, the gluttony and laziness sets in and rears its' ugly head. It would be the worse 30 days of my life that I've voluntarily subjected myself to that being on maintenance mode would be a breeze.  I really do not know how far my 45-year old body will go after the 30 days, I've never done this before... Will I make it the 30 days without cheating?  Will there be a noticeable difference in my body?  If so, how noticeable? Based on my stats now, how long does it really take to achieve my personal teeny, tiny perfect body?  Only time will tell and Tracy could tell, probably.  I suppose the idea of a perfect body is in the beholders' eyes...and so we shall see. 
FYI, I have been doing a couple of the Tracy Anderson Method DVDs off and on since June 2009.  I've done the Mat Workout and Dance Cardio Workout but did not do them together everyday.  To prepare, I've began food shopping, dusted off my food scale, re-read the book, bought the TAM Dance-Cardio II DVD and tonight, I'll be off to bed early.  Today will be my last day of mindless eating and vegging out in front of the TV for a while.  Wish me luck!