Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Age:  45
Height:  5'0-1/2"
Current Weight: 115 lbs.  - 105.5 lbs.  lost 9.5 lbs

Right Thigh:  21"         - 19.5"  lost 1.5"
Left Thigh:  21"          - 19.5"  lost 1.5"
Hips:  35"                - 33.5"  lost 1.5"
Lower Abs:  33.5"         - 31.5"  lost 2"
Waist:  30"               - 28.5"  lost 1.5"
Upper Abs: 29.5"          - 27"    lost 2.5"
Right Hip Pocket:  23"    - 21"    lost 2"
Left Hip Pocket:  23"     - 21"    lost 2"
Vertical Butt Length:  8" - 6.5"   lost 1.5"
Cheek Width:  9.5"        - 7"     lost 2.5"

Still a work in progress...especially arms, but they're much smaller than they seem in the photos, honest.

  Solution to muffin top...wear low slung pants!

"BEFORE-FRONT VIEW"   Day 1- 01/03/2011

"AFTER"  Day 31-02/02/2011  My muffin top has deflated somewhat!

"AFTER"  Day 30 - 02/01/2011 

"BEFORE-SIDE VIEW" Day 1 - 01/03/2011

"AFTER"  Day 31 - 02/02/2011

"BEFORE-REAR VIEW" Day 1 - 01/03/2011

"AFTER" Day 30 - 02/01/2011

"AFTER" Day 31 - 02/02/2011

So, needless to say, got a lot more diet and exercise ahead of me to get what Tracy calls a teeny, tiny body.  Sigh!  Gonna take a day or 2 to rest first...those 30 days have been rough.  Glad I did it but am glad that it's over.  As TiBs once said...Now, to maintain...haha!

Day 30

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Dance Cardio - 40 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 3 - 
40 reps legs/50 abs & arms
Tracy Anderson Mat Workout:  Standing Abs only

4 oz. kiwi dessert
4 oz. sweet potato & corn pudding
6 oz. kale juice

4 oz. chicken protein soup
4 oz. blueberry applesauce

Day 30 and whew! finally disgusted with the food now that I'm barely eating at this point.  So, so glad it's over.

Day 29

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis Dance Cardio - 30 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day method Dance Cardio - 10 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 3 - 
40 reps legs & abs/45 arms

4 oz. kiwi dessert
4 oz. sweet potato & corn pudding
4 oz. kale juice

2 oz. edamame & carrot with cayenne pepper
4 oz. chicken protein soup
2 oz. blueberry applesauce
3 oz. chocolate-chestnut pudding

Day 29 and are we there yet?...I see the light!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 28

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Dance Cardio - 40 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 3 - 40 reps

4 oz. blueberry applesauce
4 oz. sweet potato & corn pudding
4 oz. kiwi dessert
4 oz. kale juice
4 oz. edamame & carrot with cayenne pepper
4 oz. tomato gazpacho
4 oz. chicken protein soup
4 oz. chocolate-chestnut pudding

Day 28 and oh dear lord, make this stop!

Day 27

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Dance Cardio - 40 min.
Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Muscle Design Sequence 3 - 37 reps
Tracy Anderson Mat Workout: Standing Abs + Weighted Arms only

4 oz. blueberry applesauce
4 oz. sweet potato & corn pudding
4 oz. kiwi dessert
4 oz. kale juice
4 oz. edamame & carrot with cayenne pepper
4 oz. tomato gazpacho
4 oz. chicken protein soup
4 oz. chocolate-chestnut pudding

Day 27 and I am struggling...3 more days, oh god!